738 Quotations with Three.
- 401. Bernard Le Bovier Fontenelle: There are three things I have loved but never understood. Art, music and women.

- 402. Frederick W. Robertson: There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy; hypocrisy, fraud, and ...

- 403. Author Unknown: There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first to get into your subj ...

- 404. Tommy Lasorda: There are three types of baseball players -- those who make it happen, those who ...

- 405. Ralph Waldo Emerson: There are three wants which never can be satisfied: that of the rich, who want s ...

- 406. Mary Parker Follett: There are three ways of dealing with difference: domination, compromise, and int ...

- 407. Monta Crane: There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, employ someone, or f ...

- 408. General Peyton C. March: There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most ...

- 409. Albert Camus: There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide. Judgin ...

- 410. Benjamin Franklin: There seem to be but three ways for a nation to acquire wealth. The first is by ...

- 411. Adelaide Crapsey: These be three silent things: The Falling snow... the hour before the dawn... th ...

- 412. Marquis de Sade: Those laws, being forged for universal application, are in perpetual conflict wi ...

- 413. Leonardo da Vinci: Three classes of people: Those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those ...

- 414. Minna Antrim: Three failures denotes uncommon strength. A weakling had not enough grit to fail ...

- 415. Andrew Carnegie: Three generations from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves.

- 416. Joseph Addison: Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something ...

- 417. William A. Ward: Three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, shar ...

- 418. Author Unknown: Three levels of organizational vision: 1. The Do-able 2. The Conceivable 3. The ...

- 419. John Heywood: Three may keep counsel, if two are away.

- 420. Jean-Paul Sartre: Three o clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.

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