481 Quotations with Thoreau.
- 361. Henry David Thoreau: We worship not the Graces, nor the Parcae, but Fashion. She spins and weaves and ...

- 362. Henry David Thoreau: Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.

- 363. Henry David Thoreau: What does education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free, meanderin ...

- 364. Henry David Thoreau: What is a country without rabbits and partridges? They are among the most simple ...

- 365. Henry David Thoreau: What is peculiar in the life of a man consists not in his obedience, but his opp ...

- 366. Henry David Thoreau: What men call social virtues, good fellowship, is commonly but the virtue of pig ...

- 367. Henry David Thoreau: What right have I to grieve, who have not ceased to wonder?

- 368. Henry David Thoreau: What sort of philosophers are we, who know absolutely nothing about the origin a ...

- 369. Henry David Thoreau: Whatever the human law may be, neither an individual nor a nation can commit the ...

- 370. Henry David Thoreau: Whatever we leave to God, God does and blesses us.

- 371. Henry David Thoreau: When a dog runs at you, whistle for him.

- 372. Henry David Thoreau: When any real progress is made, we unlearn and learn anew what we thought we kne ...

- 373. Henry David Thoreau: When I hear the hypercritical quarreling about grammar and style, the position o ...

- 374. Henry David Thoreau: Where there is a brave man, in the thickest of the fight, there is the post of h ...

- 375. Henry David Thoreau: Wherever a man goes, men will pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutio ...

- 376. Henry David Thoreau: Whether the flower looks better in the nosegay than in the meadow where it grew ...

- 377. Henry David Thoreau: Why level downward to our dullest perception always, and praise that as common s ...

- 378. Henry David Thoreau: Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enter ...

- 379. Henry David Thoreau: Write while the heat is in you. The writer who postpones the recording of his th ...

- 380. Henry David Thoreau: Yet some can be patriotic who have no self-respect, and sacrifice the greater to ...

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