4654 Quotations with Think.
- 101. Matthew Arnold: The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next.

- 102. Valdemar W. Setzer: Ethics is not definable, is not implementable, because it is not conscious; it i ...

- 103. Andy McIntyre: If you think education is expensive, Try Ignorance!!!

- 104. Tao Te Ching: In dwelling, live close to the ground.

- 105. Sue S. Taylor: Occasionally, I have to think like myself to remember where I put something.

- 106. Unknown: If everybody's thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking.

- 107. Rene Descartes: I think; therefore I am.

- 108. Albert Szent-Gyorgi: Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no on ...

- 109. Anonymous: My wife says I never listen to her. At least I think that's what she said.

- 110. Pooh's Little Instruction Book: When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and Think of Things, you find sometime ...

- 111. Pooh's Little Instruction Book: People who don't Think probably don't have Brains; rather, they have grey fluff ...

- 112. Hedrick Smith: Journalists cover words and delude themselves into thinking they have committed ...

- 113. Anthony J. D'Angelo: Not only are you what you think you are, more so; what you think, you are.

- 114. The Law of Thumb: Somebody who thinks logically is a nice contrast to the real world

- 115. Peacemaker: Think not forever of yourselves, O Chiefs, nor of your own generation. Think of ...

- 116. Bergen Evans: Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think ...

- 117. Virgil: They can because they think they can.

- 118. Frank Herbert: If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you w ...

- 119. John Burrough: I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the wa ...

- 120. Douglas Adams: I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I ...

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