4654 Quotations with Think.
- 801. Doug Horton: Life is good when we think it's good. Life is bad when we don't think.

- 802. Doug Horton: Thinking good thoughts is not enough, doing good deeds is not enough, seeing oth ...

- 803. Reiko Horton: Don't think, just do.

- 804. R. D. Laing: If I don't know I don't know, I think I know. If I don't know I know, I think I ...

- 805. Edwin Lefevre: After spending many years in Wall Street and after making and losing millions of ...

- 806. Sophia Loren: Sex appeal is 50% what you've got and 50% what people think you've got.

- 807. Larry Lorenzoni: The average person thinks he isn't.

- 808. Olin Miller: If you think there are no new frontiers, watch a boy ring the front doorbell on ...

- 809. Benito Mussolini: The masses have little time to think. And how incredible is the willingness of m ...

- 810. Dorothy Parker: You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think.

- 811. Plato: Thinking is the soul talking to itself.

- 812. Bertrand Russell: Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.

- 813. Ray Stevens: The less you know, the more you think you know, because you don't know you don't ...

- 814. Albert Szent-Gyorgi: Discovery is seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else ha ...

- 815. Vergil: They are able because they think they are able.

- 816. Earl Wilson: If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.

- 817. Adam Zimbler: People who never acheive happiness are the ones who complain whenever they're aw ...

- 818. Unknown: A conceited person never gets anywhere because he thinks he is already there.

- 819. Unknown: Any time you think you have influence, try ordering around someone else's dog.

- 820. Unknown: Democracy is a government where you can say what you think even if you don't thi ...

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