Famous Quotes
4654 Quotations with Think.
- 521. Carl Sagan: Think of how many religions attempt to validate themselves with prophecy. Think ...
- 522. Richard Gere: I know who I am. No one else knows who I am. If I was a giraffe, and someone sai ...
- 523. Jerry Seinfeld: A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still ...
- 524. Christopher Marlowe: Who hateth me but for my happiness?
- 525. Henry James: He had the entertainment of thinking that if he had for that moment stopped the ...
- 526. Dorothy Sayers: The best remedy for a bruised heart is not, as so many people seem to think, rep ...
- 527. Winnie the Pooh: People who don't think probably don't have brains; rather, they have gray fluff ...
- 528. Paul Rodriguez: Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography.
- 529. Arthur Schnabel: When I am asked, "What do you think of our audience?" I answer, "I know two kind ...
- 530. Robert Service: Ah! the clock is always slow;
- 531. Bill Shankly: Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that atti ...
- 532. George Bernard Shaw: Do you think that the things people make fools of themselves about are any less ...
- 533. George Bernard Shaw: He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a po ...
- 534. George Bernard Shaw: An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only uncomfortable.
- 535. George Bernard Shaw: "Do you know what a pessimist is?" "A man who thinks everybody is as nasty as hi ...
- 536. Alfred North Whitehead: Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we c ...
- 537. W. Somerset Maugham: I don't think of the past. The only thing that matters is the everlasting presen ...
- 538. Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld: You're thinking of Europe as Germany and France, I don't. I think that's old Eur ...
- 539. Charles Franklin Kettering: Whenever you look at a piece of work and you think the fellow was crazy, then yo ...
- 540. Jim Morrison: I like any reaction I can get with my music. Just anything to get people to thin ...