Famous Quotes
476 Quotations with Therefor.
- 41. Mother Teresa: Whether one is Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian, how you live your life is proof ...
- 42. Ambrose Bierce: I think I think, therefore, I think I am.
- 43. Isaac Newton: Did blind chance know that there was light and what was its refraction, and fit ...
- 44. Fredirect Toyou: Bibo, ergo sum. - I drink, therefore I am
- 45. Graffito: Cogito ergo spud. - I think, therefore I yam
- 46. The National: There is no law against composing music when one has no ideas whatsoever. The mu ...
- 47. Robert Byrne: Cogito ergo dim sum. (Therefore I think these are pork buns.)
- 48. James Fallows: The most annoying trait of Right-Wing Outlaws in general is a lazy incuriosity a ...
- 49. Herbert Schiller: For manipulation to be most effective, evidence of its presence should be nonexi ...
- 50. Kayvan Sylvan: I doubt therefore I am.
- 51. Saul Steinberg: I think, therefore Descartes exists.
- 52. Bate: Equation (1.2-9) is a second order, nonlinear, vector, differential equation whi ...
- 53. E.W. Dijkstra: The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be reguarded ...
- 54. IBM maintenance manual: All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts y ...
- 55. John Donne: No man is an Island, entire of it self; every man is a piece of the Continent, a ...
- 56. Zambendorf: Scientists are the easiest to fool. They think in straight, predictable, directa ...
- 57. John W.N. Sullivan: It is certain that the real function of art is to increase our self-consciousnes ...
- 58. Euripides: You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you.
- 59. Bhagavad Gita: For certain is death for the born
- 60. Niccolo Machiavelli: A prince should therefore have no other aim or thought, nor take up any other th ...