1830 Quotations with Tent.
- 1001. Georg C. Lichtenberg: The greatest events occur without intention playing any part in them; chance mak ...

- 1002. Richard Moss: The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.

- 1003. Mychal Wynn: The greatest quest in life is to reach one's potential.

- 1004. Mychal Wynn: The greatest quest in life is to reach one's potential.

- 1005. Author Unknown: The greatest wealth is contentment with a little.

- 1006. Lucretius: The greatest wealth is to live content with little, for there is never want wher ...

- 1007. Sadi: The greedy man is not content with a whole world set before him.

- 1008. Philip G. Hamerton: The happiest life is that which consistently exercises and educates what is best ...

- 1009. Arthur Schopenhauer: The happiness of any given life is to be measured not by its joys and pleasures, ...

- 1010. Helen Rowland: The hardest task of a girl's life, nowadays, is to prove to a man that his inten ...

- 1011. Peter Conrad: The historian's job is to aggrandize, promoting accident to inevitability and in ...

- 1012. Margaret Drabble: The human mind can bear plenty of reality, but not too much of intermittent gloo ...

- 1013. Author Unknown: The ideal life is in our blood and never will be still. Sad will be the day for ...

- 1014. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: The intention of never deceiving often exposes us to deception.

- 1015. Thomas a Kempis: The intention which is fixed on God as its only end will keep people steady in t ...

- 1016. Author Unknown: The key to unlocking my potential is within me. It is the power of my thought, m ...

- 1017. Mark Twain: The law of God, as quite plainly expressed in woman's construction, is this: The ...

- 1018. Henry David Thoreau: The lawyer's truth is not Truth, but consistency or a consistent expediency.

- 1019. John Haggai: The leader seeks to communicate his vision to his followers. He captures their a ...

- 1020. Edward Dahlberg: The machine has had a pernicious effect upon virtue, pity, and love, and young m ...

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