123 Quotations with Temptation.
- 41. Joan B. Campbell: Jesus'ministry was clearly defined, and the alternatives to the illusion and tem ...
- 42. Peter Bernstein: The ability to manage the unexpected consequences of our choices and decisions i ...
- 43. Ambrose Bierce: Abstainer. A weak man who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure ...
- 44. John Locke: All men are liable to error; and most men are... by passion or interest, under t ...
- 45. Henry Ward Beecher: All men are tempted. There is no man that lives that can't be broken down, provi ...
- 46. Ralph Waldo Emerson: As the Sandwich Islander believes that the strength and valor of the enemy he ki ...
- 47. Cesare Pavese: At great periods you have always felt, deep within you, the temptation to commit ...
- 48. Oscar Wilde: By persistently remaining single, a man converts himself into a permanent public ...
- 49. Joey Lauren Adams: Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you.
- 50. Charles Kingsley: Do today's duty, fight today's temptation; do not weaken and distract yourself b ...
- 51. Oscar Wilde: Do you really think, Arthur, that it is weakness that yields to temptation? I te ...
- 52. Elias A. Ford: Every hardship, every joy; every temptation is a challenge of the spirit; that t ...
- 53. Frederick W. Faber: Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory.
- 54. E. M. Cioran: Fear can supplant our real problems only to the extent -- unwilling either to as ...
- 55. John Wooden: For an athlete to function properly, he must be intent. There has to be a defini ...
- 56. Author Unknown: Good habits result from resisting temptation.
- 57. Martin Luther: I never work better than when I am inspired by anger; when I am angry, I can wri ...
- 58. William M. Thackeray: If, in looking at the lives of princes, courtiers, men of rank and fashion, we m ...
- 59. Charles De Gaulle: In the tumult of men and events, solitude was my temptation; now it is my friend ...
- 60. Author Unknown: Let me be a little kinder, Let me be a little blinder To the faults about me; Le ...
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