2533 Quotations with Stand.
- 1841. Aristotle: As a rock on the seashore he standeth firm, and the dashing of the waves disturb ...

- 1842. Brooks Atkinson: Ethel Waters, the flaming tower of dusky regality, who knows how to make a song ...

- 1843. W. H. Auden: In relation to a writer, most readers believe in the Double Standard: they may b ...

- 1844. Norman R. Augustine: The thickness of the proposal required to win a multimillion-dollar contract is ...

- 1845. Wilton Robert Abbott: To understand the place of humans in the universe is to solve a complex problem. ...

- 1846. Peter Abrahams: With Shakespeare and poetry, a new world was born. New dreams, new desires, a se ...

- 1847. Ama Ata Aidoo: For us Africans, literature must serve a purpose: to expose, embarrass, and figh ...

- 1848. Richard Bach: If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that ficti ...

- 1849. Liberty Hyde Bailey: This College of Agriculture was not established to serve or to magnify Cornell U ...

- 1850. Colin Baker: I would still like to go up in the space shuttle. It's appalling that the accide ...

- 1851. George P. Baker: What then is tragedy? In the Elizabethan period it was assumed that a play endin ...

- 1852. Howard Baker: The most difficult thing in any negotiation, almost, is making sure that you str ...

- 1853. William Baldwin: A community is a group of people who have come together, and they work and they ...

- 1854. Dave Barry: Congress shall also create a tax code weighing more than the combined poundage o ...

- 1855. Dave Barry: Never assume that the guy understands that you and he have a relationship.

- 1856. Dave Barry: The question is, why are politicians so eager to be president? What is it about ...

- 1857. Dave Barry: The term SAT is a set of initials, or autonym, standing for Scholastic Attitude ...

- 1858. Dave Barry: To better understand why you need a personal computer, let's take a look at the ...

- 1859. Count Basie: I, of course, wanted to play real jazz. When we played pop tunes, and naturally ...

- 1860. Charles Baudelaire: I am unable to understand how a man of honor could take a newspaper in his hands ...

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