2533 Quotations with Stand.
- 1781. Sarah Grimké: I ask no favors for my sex, I surrender not our claim to equality. All I ask of ...

- 1782. Edith Hamilton: So far, we do not seem appalled at the prospect of exactly the same kind of educ ...

- 1783. Charles Evans Hughes: We younger Negro artists who create now intend to express our individual dark-sk ...

- 1784. Ali ibn-Abi-Talib: A man's behavior is the index of the man, and his discourse is the index of his ...

- 1785. James Weldon Johnson: The colored people of this country know and understand the white people better t ...

- 1786. Maxine Hong Kingston: Chinese Americans, when you try to understand what things in you are Chinese, ho ...

- 1787. Rudyard Kipling: Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth a ...

- 1788. Walter Savage Landor: There is no more certain sign of a narrow mind, of stupidity, and of arrogance, ...

- 1789. Doris Lessing: When old settlers say 'One has to understand the country,' what they mean is, 'Y ...

- 1790. H.L. Mencken: One of the things that makes a Negro unpleasant to white folk is the fact that h ...

- 1791. Sylvester Monroe: It is perhaps one of the great ironies of my life that so much of it has been sp ...

- 1792. A. Philip Randolph: Equality is the heart and essence of democracy, freedom, and justice, equality o ...

- 1793. Dan Rather: The compassionate conservative's stand on homosexuals seems to be this: I'm OK, ...

- 1794. Bertrand Russell: The desire to understand the world and the desire to reform it are the two great ...

- 1795. B.F. Skinner: Unable to understand how or why the person we see behaves as he does, we attribu ...

- 1796. Jean Toomer: Men are apt to idolize or fear that which they cannot understand, especially if ...

- 1797. Urvashi Vaid: We call for the end of bigotry as we know it. The end of racism as we know it. T ...

- 1798. Alice Walker: It's essential that we understand that taking care of the planet will be done as ...

- 1799. Merle Woo: The same educational process which inspires and stimulates the oppressor with th ...

- 1800. Anonymous: Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it stands than to ...

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