2533 Quotations with Stand.
- 621. Mahatma Gandhi: Anger and intolerance are the twin enemies of correct understanding.

- 622. Edward Hoagland: Animals used to provide a lowlife way to kill and get away with it, as they do s ...

- 623. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield: Any affectation whatsoever in dress implies, in my mind, a flaw in the understan ...

- 624. Hedy Lamarr: Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.

- 625. James Baldwin: Any honest examination of the national life proves how far we are from the stand ...

- 626. Anthony Robbins: Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to ...

- 627. Margaret Thatcher: Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to under ...

- 628. Leonardo da Vinci: Anyone who in discussion relies upon authority uses, not his understanding, but ...

- 629. Lee Iacocca: Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. D ...

- 630. Guy Browning: Appraisals are where you get together with your team leader and agree what an ou ...

- 631. Ronald Reagan: Approximately 80 % of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vege ...

- 632. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Aptitude found in the understanding and is often inherited. Genius coming from r ...

- 633. Kenneth Tynan: Art and ideology often interact on each other; but the plain fact is that both s ...

- 634. Tristan Tzara: Art is a private thing, the artist makes it for himself; a comprehensible work i ...

- 635. Gunther Grass: Art is so wonderfully irrational, exuberantly pointless, but necessary all the s ...

- 636. Akhenaton: As a rock on the seashore he standeth firm, and the dashing of the waves disturb ...

- 637. Stephen R. Covey: As a principle-centered person you try to stand apart from the emotion of the si ...

- 638. Ernest Renan: As a rule, all heroism is due to a lack of reflection, and thus it is necessary ...

- 639. Mother Teresa: As each Sister is to become a Co-Worker of Christ in the slums, each ought to un ...

- 640. Marcus T. Cicero: As fire when thrown into water is cooled down and put out, so also a false accus ...

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