2533 Quotations with Stand.
- 341. Mary Catherine Bateson: The family is changing not disappearing. We have to broaden our understanding of ...

- 342. Theodore Roosevelt: The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodg ...

- 343. Immanuel Kant: As to moral feeling, this supposed special sense, the appeal to it is indeed sup ...

- 344. Suze Orman: It's better to do nothing with your money than something you don't understand.

- 345. Bob Moawad: Help others get ahead. You will always stand taller with someone else on your sh ...

- 346. Og Mandino: Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by mid ...

- 347. Henry David Thoreau: I stand in awe of my body.

- 348. Lord Kelvin: Until you can measure something and express it in numbers, you have only the beg ...

- 349. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: There was something awesome in the thought of the solitary mortal standing by th ...

- 350. Real Live Preacher: You can't love anyone until you understand that you can't love everyone.

- 351. John Lennon: Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.

- 352. Ernest Shackleton: No person who has not spent a period of his life in those 'stark and sullen soli ...

- 353. Bruce Lee: When you point to the moon, what do you see in front of your finger; Your task i ...

- 354. Woodrow Wilson: Just what is it that America stands for? If she stands for one thing more than a ...

- 355. Peter Drucker: Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a perso ...

- 356. Baruch Spinoza: The mind has greater power over the emotions, and is less subject thereto, insof ...

- 357. Baruch Spinoza: The highest endeavor of the mind, and the highest virtue, is to understand thing ...

- 358. Thomas S. Eliot: Human beings cannot stand too much reality.

- 359. Maya Angelou: Talent is like electricity. We don't understand electricity. We use it.

- 360. Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider: Sometimes the mind, for reasons we don't necessarily understand, just decides to ...

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