Famous Quotes
2533 Quotations with Stand.
- 2121. Robert Kiyosaki: Money is kind of a base subject. Like water, food, air and housing, it affects e ...
- 2122. Robert Kocharian: I agree that our people do have the right to demand and expect a living standard ...
- 2123. Jesse Kornbluth: Although one of his long-standing fantasies was to open a house of prostitution, ...
- 2124. Doug Larson: Real elation is when you feel you could touch a star without standing on tiptoe.
- 2125. Anton LaVey: Marilyn Monroe's breasts were not big, Jayne Mansfield was big, but not by today ...
- 2126. Martin Lawrence: Nobody's ever challenged me and tapped into what I can do. I ain't played a vill ...
- 2127. Arthur Lee: I couldn't stand Janis Joplin's voice... she was just a screaming little loudmou ...
- 2128. Jay Leno: Major league baseball has asked its players to stop tossing baseballs into the s ...
- 2129. Jay Leno: President Bush played golf yesterday and I understand Vice President Dick Cheney ...
- 2130. Max Lerner: Having a thirteen-year-old in the family is like having a general-admission tick ...
- 2131. Richard Lester: I was able to go from stage hand to floor manager to assistant director to direc ...
- 2132. C. S. Lewis: A man who is eating or lying with his wife or preparing to go to sleep in humili ...
- 2133. Michael Lewis: The A's are held to the standard of the Yankees in a funny kind of way. That if ...
- 2134. Michael Lewis: Why pay $20 million to Harrison Ford? I don't even understand that. They think t ...
- 2135. John Lewis: The union miner cannot agree to the acceptance of a wage principle which will pe ...
- 2136. Jet Li: So what's so special about Jet Li, then? You need to show me something. That's w ...
- 2137. Joseph Lieberman: This is an exciting time. I believe we stand at the edge of a new age - a Golden ...
- 2138. Rush Limbaugh: The last thing they want is a revitalized economy now. I'm not saying the Democr ...
- 2139. Earl Long: I consider myself 40 percent Catholic and 60 percent Baptist. but I'm in favor o ...
- 2140. Richard Lugar: I am convinced that the majority of American people do understand that we have a ...