132 Quotations with Species.
- 81. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois: There are certain books in the world which every searcher for truth must know: t ...
- 82. Samuel Johnson: There are minds so impatient of inferiority that their gratitude is a species of ...
- 83. Georg C. Lichtenberg: There exists a species of transcendental ventriloquism by means of which men can ...
- 84. Charles Caleb Colton: To despise our own species is the price we must often pay for knowledge of it.
- 85. Aleister Crowley: To the eyes of a god, mankind must appear as a species of bacteria which multipl ...
- 86. Jose Ortega y Gasset: Under the species of Syndicalism and Fascism there appears for the first time in ...
- 87. Philip Roth: Undermining experience, embellishing experience, rearranging and enlarging exper ...
- 88. Desmond Morris: We are, to put it mildly, in a mess, and there is a strong chance that we shall ...
- 89. Friedrich Nietzsche: We have no organ at all for knowledge, for "truth": we "know" (or believe or ima ...
- 90. Lord Byron: We have progressively improved into a less spiritual species of tenderness -- bu ...
- 91. Desmond Morris: We never stop investigating. We are never satisfied that we know enough to get b ...
- 92. Jane Welsh Carlyle: Instead of boiling up individuals into the species, I would draw a chalk circle ...
- 93. Charles Darwin: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; ...
- 94. Wayne Allard: Eradication of this unquenchable shrub [tamarisk] will save water, lower salinit ...
- 95. Ian Anderson: In raising the consciousness of the public to the plight of many small, wild cat ...
- 96. Henry Walter Bates: The species has no sting, and does not display active resistance when interfered ...
- 97. Henry Walter Bates: The whole arrangement of a Formicarium, or ant-colony, and all the varied activi ...
- 98. William Bainbridge: Techniques such as genetic engineering, psychoactive drugs and electronic contro ...
- 99. Clive Barker: But I think humans are innately religious as a species, so you don't need a spec ...
- 100. Jeannette Desor: Humans can learn to like anything, that's why we are such a successful species.
Species Quotes by Power Quotations