132 Quotations with Species.
- 21. W. Somerset Maugham: Love is a dirty trick played on us to achieve the continuation of the species.
- 22. Ralph Abraham: My specific goal is to revolutionize the future of the species. Mathematics is j ...
- 23. Herbert W. Boyer: Wonder is what sets us apart from other life forms. No other species wonders abo ...
- 24. Philip Henry Gosse: If any choose to maintain, as many do, that species were gradually brought to th ...
- 25. Steve Jones: Darwin's theory of common descent does for biology what Galileo did for the plan ...
- 26. Dalai Lama: Compassion and love are not mere luxuries. As the source of both inner and exter ...
- 27. Eric Hoffer: The most gifted members of the human species are at their creative best when the ...
- 28. Immanuel Kant: Human reason has this peculiar fate that in one species of its knowledge it is b ...
- 29. Arthur C. Clarke: As our own species is in the process of proving, one cannot have superior scienc ...
- 30. George Carlin: If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say tha ...
- 31. Samuel Johnson: Hope itself is a species of happiness, and perhaps, the chief happiness which th ...
- 32. Ayn Rand: Contrary to the ecologists, nature does not stand still and does not maintain th ...
- 33. Desmond Morris: There are one hundred and ninety-three living species of monkeys and apes. One h ...
- 34. George Bernard Shaw: Think what cowards men would be if they had to bear children. Women are altogeth ...
- 35. Anita Brookner: A man can go from being a lover to being a stranger in three moves flat but a wo ...
- 36. Percy Bysshe Shelley: A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must p ...
- 37. Georg C. Lichtenberg: A schoolteacher or professor cannot educate individuals, he educates only specie ...
- 38. Jane Austen: Although our productions have afforded more extensive and unaffected pleasure th ...
- 39. Man Ray: An original is a creation motivated by desire. Any reproduction of an originals ...
- 40. Mahatma Gandhi: An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.
Species Quotes by Power Quotations