508 Quotations with Sound.
- 481. Henry Wallace: To destroy a standing crop goes against the soundest instincts of human nature.

- 482. Bruno Walter: Our inmost yearning, our deep desire for harmony in an extra-musical, transcende ...

- 483. Ian Williams: I think when I began, I played distortion more than the guitar. The results of m ...

- 484. Cassandra Wilson: I've been singing since I was 5 years old. Not in-the-church-thing kind of way. ...

- 485. Patricia C. Wrede: Always be polite to a dragon. It's harder than it sounds. Dragon etiquette is in ...

- 486. Iannis Xenakis: The collision of hail or rain with hard surfaces, or the song of cicadas in a su ...

- 487. Cyril Connolly: The hunt for young authors who, while maintaining a prestige value (with a rôle ...

- 488. C.S. Lewis: In reading Chesterton, as in reading MacDonald, I did not know what I was lettin ...

- 489. William H. Murray: But when I said that nothing had been done I erred in one important matter. We h ...

- 490. József Szombatfalvi: I firmly believe that there was an ancient language, the language of the melodie ...

- 491. Henry David Thoreau: We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake . . . by an infinite expectat ...

- 492. Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider: I feel like I can handle a lot of things. I can handle a parasitic infection and ...

- 493. Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider: Weird, isn't it? Somehow in the dead of winter when its 40 below, so cold your w ...

- 494. Jeffrey Vlaming: Dateline: Mesopotamia, 3500 B.C. That's when the multi-faceted sounds we call mu ...

- 495. Walter Anderson: Sadly, some folks want others to feel their pain, to hurt as much as they do--or ...

- 496. Xenophon: The sweetest of all sounds is praise.

- 497. Samuel Johnson: A truly strong and sound mind is the mind that can equally embrace great things ...

- 498. Henry David Thoreau: No man has ever stood the lower in my estimation for having a patch in his cloth ...

- 499. Seneca: A man's ability cannot possibly be of one sort and his soul of another. If his s ...

- 500. Bill Moyers: Sharing is the essence of teaching. It is, I have come to believe, the essence o ...

Sound Quotes by Power Quotations