676 Quotations with Sons.
- 21. Croesus of Lydia: No one would be foolish enough to choose war over peace--in peace sons bury thei ...

- 22. Walt Whitman: Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons.

- 23. Jawaharlal Nehru: A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts subconsciously and th ...

- 24. Nadine Stair: If I had my life to live over I'd like to make more mistakes next time. I'd rela ...

- 25. George Bancroft: The best government rests on the people, and not on the few, on persons and not ...

- 26. Horace Mann: Jails and prisons are the complement of schools; so many less as you have of the ...

- 27. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wro ...

- 28. Pearl S. Buck: The lack of emotional security of our American young people is due, I believe, t ...

- 29. Jean De La Bruyere: Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other's little fa ...

- 30. Charles Dudley Warner: The wise man does not permit himself to set up even in his own mind any comparis ...

- 31. Helen Keller: Many persons have the wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not a ...

- 32. Henry Bolingbroke: The shortest and surest way of arriving at real knowledge is to unlearn the less ...

- 33. Michel de Montaigne: Malice sucks up the greater part of her own venom, and poisons herself.

- 34. George Washington: We ought not to look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors ...

- 35. William Shakespeare: Strong reasons make strong actions.

- 36. J. W. Alexander: There are pauses amidst study, and even pauses of seeming idleness, in which a p ...

- 37. Charles Buxton: Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A ...

- 38. Joseph Addison: It is folly for an eminent person to think of escaping censure, and a weakness t ...

- 39. James Thurber: If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known wi ...

- 40. Joan Kiser: The sins of the fathers are often visited upon the sons-in-law.

Sons Quotes by Power Quotations