676 Quotations with Sons.
- 361. Thomas Fuller: Poor men's reasons are not heard.

- 362. John Selden: Prayer should be short, without giving God Almighty reasons why he should grant ...

- 363. William Blake: Prisons are built with stones of Law. Brothels with the bricks of religion.

- 364. Jerry Brown: Prisons don't rehabilitate, they don't punish, they don't protect, so what the h ...

- 365. St. Patrick: Regardless of danger, I must make known the gift of God. Without fear I must spr ...

- 366. St. Patrick: Regardless of danger, I must make known the gift of God. Without fear I must spr ...

- 367. Ivan Illich: School divides life into two segments, which are increasingly of comparable leng ...

- 368. Talcott Parsons: Science is intimately integrated with the whole social structure and cultural tr ...

- 369. Talcott Parsons: Science is intimately integrated with the whole social structure and cultural tr ...

- 370. Thomas a Kempis: Scruples, temptations, and fears, and cutting perplexities of the heart, are oft ...

- 371. Thomas a Kempis: Scruples, temptations, and fears, and cutting perplexities of the heart, are oft ...

- 372. Walt Whitman: Seasons pursuing each other the indescribable crowd is gathered, it is the fourt ...

- 373. Walt Whitman: Seasons pursuing each other the indescribable crowd is gathered, it is the fourt ...

- 374. Henry Miller: Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation. The other eight are unimportan ...

- 375. Louis L'Amour: She had believed the land was her enemy, and she struggled against it, but you c ...

- 376. Deepak Chopra: Silence is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to ...

- 377. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Society always consists in the greatest part, of young and foolish persons.

- 378. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Society is infested by persons who, seeing that the sentiments please, counterfe ...

- 379. Willis R. Whitney: Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when al ...

- 380. Dale Turner: Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error ...

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