756 Quotations with Since.
- 121. Marilyn Monroe: I learned to walk as a baby and I haven't had a lesson since.
- 122. J. R. R. Tolkien: Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it bori ...
- 123. T.S. Eliot: An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have sincere in ...
- 124. Ronald Reagan: Thomas Jefferson once said, 'We should never judge a president by his age, only ...
- 125. Ray Bradbury: We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How ...
- 126. Oscar Wilde: A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fa ...
- 127. Thomas Paine: Whenever we read the obscene stories, voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tor ...
- 128. Douglas Adams: Having been an English literary graduate, I've been trying to avoid the idea of ...
- 129. R. A. Salvatore: Is yours an honest lament?...Most are not, you know. Most self-imposed burdens a ...
- 130. Lois McMaster Bujold: Since no one is perfect, it follows that all great deeds have been accomplished ...
- 131. Le Rochefoucauld: Weak people cannot be sincere.
- 132. William James: This life is worth living, we can say, since it is what we make it.
- 133. Hazrat Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib: Unfortunate is he who cannot gain a few sincere friends during his life and more ...
- 134. Kurt Vonnegut: Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself pr ...
- 135. Dale Carnegie: You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world's happi ...
- 136. James Baldwin: It is said that the camera cannot lie, but rarely do we allow it to do anything ...
- 137. Alexander Hamilton: It is long since I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value.
- 138. Plato: It will be hard to discover a better [method of education] than that which the e ...
- 139. Ayn Rand: The right to life is the source of all rights--and the right to property is thei ...
- 140. Epicurus: In a philosophical dispute, he gains most who is defeated, since he learns most.
Since Quotes by Power Quotations