Famous Quotes
223 Quotations with Silent.
- 81. Marquis de Sade: Are not laws dangerous which inhibit the passions? Compare the centuries of anar ...
- 82. 0. Hallesby: As impossible as it is for us to take a breath in the morning large enough to la ...
- 83. Mary Baker Eddy: Audible prayer can never do the works of spiritual understanding, which regenera ...
- 84. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Austere perseverance, hash and continuous... rarely fails of its purpose, for it ...
- 85. W. A. Clarke: Before marriage a man yearns for a woman. Afterward the "y" is silent.
- 86. Beatrix Potter: Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave your ...
- 87. Author Unknown: Burning lies led to my silent cries Keeping it inside I've got everything to hid ...
- 88. John Buchan: Civilization is a conspiracy. Modern life is the silent compact of comfortable f ...
- 89. Samuel Johnson: Cruel with guilt, and daring with despair, the midnight murderer bursts the fait ...
- 90. Hannah Arendt: Death not merely ends life, it also bestows upon it a silent completeness, snatc ...
- 91. Thomas Fuller: Deceive not thyself by overexpecting happiness in the married estate. Remember t ...
- 92. William Butler Yeats: Designs in connection with postage stamps and coinage may be described, I think, ...
- 93. Marlene Dietrich: Do let him read the papers. But not while you accusingly tiptoe around the room, ...
- 94. Henri Frederic Amiel: Every life is a profession of faith, and exercises an inevitable and silent infl ...
- 95. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield: For my own part, I would rather be in company with a dead man than with an absen ...
- 96. Jacques Attali: For twenty-five centuries, Western knowledge has tried to look upon the world. I ...
- 97. S. M. Frazier: Give me work to do, Give me health, Give me joy in simple things, Give me an eye ...
- 98. Henry Fielding: Great joy, especially after a sudden change of circumstances, is apt to be silen ...
- 99. Sigmund Freud: He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can ...
- 100. Lord Alfred Tennyson: Her eyes are homes of silent prayers.