868 Quotations with Shakespeare.
- 81. William Shakespeare: How use doth breed a habit in a man!
- 82. William Shakespeare: Come not within the measure of my wrath.
- 83. William Shakespeare: I will make a Star-chamber matter of it.
- 84. William Shakespeare: It is a familiar beast to man, and signifies love.
- 85. William Shakespeare: If there be no great love in the beginning, yet heaven may decrease it upon bett ...
- 86. William Shakespeare: Thou art the Mars of malcontents.
- 87. William Shakespeare: Here will be an old abusing of God's patience and the king's English.
- 88. William Shakespeare: We burn daylight.
- 89. William Shakespeare: Why, then the world's mine oyster,
- 90. William Shakespeare: This is the short and the long of it.
- 91. William Shakespeare: We have some salt of our youth in us.
- 92. William Shakespeare: I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.
- 93. William Shakespeare: Your hearts are mighty, your skins are whole.
- 94. William Shakespeare: This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers.... There is divini ...
- 95. William Shakespeare: Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.
- 96. William Shakespeare: The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept.
- 97. William Shakespeare: The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good.
- 98. William Shakespeare: Truth is truth
- 99. William Shakespeare: They say, best men are moulded out of faults,
- 100. William Shakespeare: What's mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.
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