868 Quotations with Shakespeare.
- 741. Leonardo DiCaprio: At first I thought I would have to put on an English accent and try a sort of af ...

- 742. Samuel Dash: In high school English we were supposed to write a paper on Shakespeare, and I d ...

- 743. Christopher Eccleston: I wasn't always such a great fan of Shakespeare, mind you. I can guess we all at ...

- 744. Colin Firth: The English people, a lot of them, would not be able to understand a word of spo ...

- 745. Orrin Hatch: This month marks the 440th anniversary of William Shakespeare's birth on April 2 ...

- 746. Terry Hands: Our contention has always been that Shakespeare is our greatest living author. I ...

- 747. Ian Hart: There's a statistical theory that if you gave a million monkeys typewriters and ...

- 748. Blair Houghton: Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriter ...

- 749. Josephine Hull: Playing Shakespeare is so tiring. You never get a chance to sit down unless you' ...

- 750. Ben Kingsley: I just think that on the bedrock of his creative genius, there resided in Shakes ...

- 751. Ben Kingsley: I think that Shakespeare had his male side and his female side extremely well de ...

- 752. Ben Kingsley: What we have in Shakespeare is a very, very early form of device which today in ...

- 753. Will Kemp: My background is somewhat unusual, as I trained to be a ballet dancer. I worked ...

- 754. Vivien Leigh: Shaw is like a train. One just speaks the words and sits in one's place. But Sha ...

- 755. Ian Mckellen: I don't make much distinction between being a stand-up comic and acting Shakespe ...

- 756. Spike Milligan: I thought I'd begin by reading a poem by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why sh ...

- 757. Alice Munro: I have recently re-read much of Chekhov and it's a humbling experience. I don't ...

- 758. Richard McCabe: Romeo and Juliet, with Leonardo Dicaprio, was fantastic for the simple reason it ...

- 759. David Ogilvy: Shakespeare wrote his sonnets within a strict discipline, fourteen lines of iamb ...

- 760. Ben Okri: Literature doesn't have a country. Shakespeare is an African writer. His Falstaf ...

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