868 Quotations with Shakespeare.
- 241. William Shakespeare: We do not keep the outward form of order, where there is deep disorder in the mi ...
- 242. William Shakespeare: How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees ...
- 243. William Shakespeare: Virtue and genuine graces in themselves speak what no words can utter.
- 244. William Shakespeare: Your face is a book, where men may read strange matters.
- 245. William Shakespeare: Pity is the virtue of the law, and none but tyrants use it cruelly.
- 246. William Shakespeare: The soul of this man is in his clothes.
- 247. William Shakespeare: It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.
- 248. William Shakespeare: Ill deeds are doubled with an evil word.
- 249. William Shakespeare: Blow, blow, thou winter wind
- 250. William Shakespeare: I wish you well and so I take my leave,
- 251. William Shakespeare: Lady you bereft me of all words,
- 252. William Shakespeare: Praising what is lost makes the remembrance dear.
- 253. William Shakespeare: Thy words, I grant are bigger, for I wear not, my dagger in my mouth.
- 254. William Shakespeare: For they are yet ear-kissing arguments.
- 255. William Shakespeare: Thou art all the comfort,
- 256. William Shakespeare: I pray thee cease thy counsel,
- 257. William Shakespeare: Assume a virtue, if you have it not.
- 258. William Shakespeare: And thus I clothe my naked villainy
- 259. William Shakespeare: So may he rest, his faults lie gently on him!
- 260. William Shakespeare: His life was gentle; and the elements
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