Famous Quotes
170 Quotations with Sets.
- 161. Paul Ryan: Those who say there's no problem and there's plenty of time are offering a misle ...
- 162. Mark Twain: The man that sets out to carry a cat by it's tail learns something that will alw ...
- 163. David Warner: On film sets, people get put down in public a lot.
- 164. Erich Fromm: That man can destroy life is just as miraculous a feat as that he can create it, ...
- 165. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross: People are like stained-glass windows.
- 166. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Each of us is born with two contradictory sets of instructions: a conservative t ...
- 167. Victor Frankl: We had to learn ourselves, and furthermore we had to teach the despairing men, t ...
- 168. Eileen Caddy: You are not living by human laws but by divine laws. Expect miracles and see the ...
- 169. Warren Bennis: "Know thyself" was the inscription over the Oracle at Delphi. And it is still th ...
- 170. Paul Bottome: Nothing really sets human nature free but self-control.