1157 Quotations with Serve.
- 661. Ralph Waldo Emerson: The President has paid dear for his White House. It has commonly cost him all hi ...

- 662. Marquis de Sade: The primary and most beautiful of Nature's qualities is motion, which agitates h ...

- 663. Robert Brustein: The primary function of a theater is not to please itself, or even to please its ...

- 664. William Penn: The public must and will be served.

- 665. Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire: The punishment of criminals should serve a purpose. When a man is hanged he is u ...

- 666. Albert Schweitzer: The purpose of human life is to serve and show compassion and the will to help o ...

- 667. Dale Carnegie: The rare individual who unselfishly tries to serve others has an enormous advant ...

- 668. Samuel Johnson: The real satisfaction which praise can afford, is when what is repeated aloud ag ...

- 669. Winston Churchill: The reserve of modern assertions is sometimes pushed to extremes, in which the f ...

- 670. James Reston: The rising power of the United States in world affairs requires, not a more comp ...

- 671. Vaclav Havel: The role of the writer is not simply to arrange Being according to his own light ...

- 672. Alexander Pope: The scripture in times of disputes is like an open town in times of war, which s ...

- 673. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: The shame that arises from praise which we do not deserve often makes us do thin ...

- 674. Count Leo Tolstoy: The simplest and shortest ethical precept is to be served as little as possible ...

- 675. William Hazlitt: The slaves of power mind the cause they have to serve, because their own interes ...

- 676. Albert Einstein: The sole function of education was to open the way of thinking and knowing, and ...

- 677. Leo Todstoy: The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.

- 678. The Holy Bible: The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ran ...

- 679. Oliver Cromwell: The State, in choosing men to serve it, takes no notice of their opinions. If th ...

- 680. Walter Lippmann: The study of error is not only in the highest degree prophylactic, but it serves ...

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