1157 Quotations with Serve.
- 581. James A. Froude: Philosophy goes no further than probabilities, and in every assertion keeps a do ...

- 582. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect ...

- 583. Alexander Pope: Praise undeserved, is satire in disguise.

- 584. Nicholas Boileau: Praising an honest person who doesn't deserve it, always wounds them.

- 585. E.M. Bounds: Prayer is a trade to be learned. We must be apprentices and serve our time at it ...

- 586. Robert Hall: Prayer serves as an edge and border to preserve the web of life from unraveling.

- 587. Thomas a Kempis: Remember, your prerogative is to govern, and not to serve the things of this wor ...

- 588. Arthur D. Little: Research serves to make building stones out of stumbling blocks.

- 589. Arthur D. Little: Research serves to make building stones out of stumbling blocks.

- 590. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette: Researchers, with science as their authority, will be able to cut animals up, al ...

- 591. Horace: Riches either serve or govern the possessor.

- 592. Ivan Illich: School divides life into two segments, which are increasingly of comparable leng ...

- 593. Confucius: See a person's actions. Observe his motives. Examine in what things he rests. Ho ...

- 594. Confucius: See a person's actions. Observe his motives. Examine in what things he rests. Ho ...

- 595. B. F. Harris: Show me the business man or institution not guided by sentiment and service; by ...

- 596. B. F. Harris: Show me the business man or institution not guided by sentiment and service; by ...

- 597. Myrtle Reed: Silence and reserve will give anyone a reputation for wisdom.

- 598. Stephen Hales: Since we are assured that the all-wise Creator has observed the most exact propo ...

- 599. Stephen Hales: Since we are assured that the all-wise Creator has observed the most exact propo ...

- 600. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Some facts should be suppressed, or, at least, a just sense of proportion should ...

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