1157 Quotations with Serve.
- 421. James Joyce: I will tell you what I will do and what I will not do. I will not serve that in ...

- 422. Samuel Johnson: I would be loath to speak ill of any person who I do not know deserves it, for I ...

- 423. Edward Hoagland: If a walker is indeed an individualist there is nowhere he can't go at dawn and ...

- 424. Agesilaus II: If I have done any deed worthy of remembrance, that deed will be my monument. If ...

- 425. Marquis de Sade: If Nature denies eternity to beings, it follows that their destruction is one of ...

- 426. A. A. Milne: If one is to be called a liar, one may as well make an effort to deserve the nam ...

- 427. Rev. Michael Burry: If one of us could ascend to the heavenly realm and for a few hours accompany th ...

- 428. Wallace Stevens: If some really acute observer made as much of egotism as Freud has made of sex, ...

- 429. W. H. Auden: If the most significant characteristic of man is the complex of biological needs ...

- 430. Herbert Marcuse: If the worker and his boss enjoy the same television program and visit the same ...

- 431. Mother Teresa: If there are people who feel that God wants them to change the structures of soc ...

- 432. Thomas Carlyle: If time is precious, no book that will not improve by repeated reading deserves ...

- 433. William Faulkner: If we Americans are to survive, it will have to be because we choose and elect a ...

- 434. Johann G. Fichte: If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us so live as to deserve happiness.

- 435. John Adams: If we do not lay out ourselves in the service of mankind, whom should we serve?

- 436. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: If we take the liberty to dwell on the faults of our friends and benefactors, we ...

- 437. H. A. Ironside: If what they are saying about you is true, mend your ways. If it isn't true, for ...

- 438. Rudyard Kipling: If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after th ...

- 439. Russell Lynes: If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if ...

- 440. Anthony Robbins: If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find ...

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