1157 Quotations with Serve.
- 361. Author Unknown: God has given to all men free agency and has granted us the privilege to serve H ...

- 362. Francis Bacon: Good fame is like fire: when you have kindled it you may easily preserve it; but ...

- 363. William Hazlitt: Good temper is one of the greatest preservers of the features.

- 364. Henry David Thoreau: Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and al ...

- 365. Jane Austen: Grant us peace, Almighty Father, so to pray as to deserve to be heard.

- 366. William Shakespeare: Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my King, He would not in min ...

- 367. Henry Drummond: Half of the world is on the wrong scent in the pursuit of happiness. They think ...

- 368. Marcel Proust: Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible.

- 369. The Koran: He deserves Paradise who makes his companions laugh.

- 370. Gabriel Harvey: He is not praised whose praiser deserveth not praise.

- 371. Arthur F. Sheldon: He profits most who serves best.

- 372. J. C. Penney: He serves best who gives most of himself. Self is forgotten by the one who serve ...

- 373. Rutherford B. Hayes: He serves his party best who serves his country best.

- 374. Benjamin Franklin: He that raises a large family does, indeed, while he lives to observe them, stan ...

- 375. B.C. Forbes: He who is ambitious to succeed must learn how he can best serve, how he can fit ...

- 376. Walter Benjamin: He who observes etiquette but objects to lying is like someone who dresses fashi ...

- 377. Rabbi Hillel: He who refuses to learn deserves extinction.

- 378. Susan Warner: He who serves God with what costs him nothing, will do very little service, you ...

- 379. Alexander Pope: He who serves his brother best gets nearer God than all the rest.

- 380. Jeremy Bentham: He who thinks and thinks for himself, will always have a claim to thanks; it is ...

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