499 Quotations with Safe.
- 261. Viscount Cecil: Prudence which degenerates into timidity is very seldom the path to safety.

- 262. Adam Smith: Resentment seems to have been given to us by nature for a defense, and for a def ...

- 263. Alex Noble: Risk is essential. There is not growth of inspiration in staying within what is ...

- 264. Alex Noble: Risk is essential. There is not growth of inspiration in staying within what is ...

- 265. Cadet Maxim: Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream ...

- 266. Cadet Maxim: Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream ...

- 267. Edna Ferber: Roast Beef, medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy. Seated at Life's Din ...

- 268. Beverly Jones: Romance, like the rabbit at the dog track, is the elusive, fake, and never attai ...

- 269. Author Unknown: Safety first has been the motto of the human race for half a million years; but ...

- 270. Motto: Safety is from God alone.

- 271. Justinian: Safety of the state is the highest law.

- 272. Florence E. King: Self-help books are making life downright unsafe. Women desperate to catch a man ...

- 273. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: Silence is the safest course for any man to adopt who distrust himself.

- 274. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: Silence is the safest policy for he who distrusts himself.

- 275. Niccolo Machiavelli: Since it is difficult to join them together, it is safer to be feared than to be ...

- 276. Jeremy W. Hayward: So in all these little ways we spin a web, a cocoon, around ourselves. The cocoo ...

- 277. Jeremy W. Hayward: So in all these little ways we spin a web, a cocoon, around ourselves. The cocoo ...

- 278. Martin Luther: So our Lord God commonly gave riches to those gross asses to whom he vouchsafed ...

- 279. Charles Swindoll: Sometimes we are to guard our heart... protect it from invasion and keep things ...

- 280. E. M. Cioran: Speech and silence. We feel safer with a madman who talks than with one who cann ...

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