499 Quotations with Safe.
- 201. Sydney Smith: It is safest to be moderately base -- to be flexible in shame, and to be always ...

- 202. William M. Thackeray: It is to the middle-class we must look for the safety of England.

- 203. Mark Twain: It isn't safe to sit in judgment upon another person's illusion when you are not ...

- 204. Midge Decter: It might sound a paradoxical thing to say -- for surely never has a generation o ...

- 205. Mary Henle: It seems safe to say that significant discovery, really creative thinking, does ...

- 206. Susan Sontag: It's a pleasure to share one's memories. Everything remembered is dear, endearin ...

- 207. Harold W. Dodds: It's an old adage that the way to be safe is never to be secure. Each one of us ...

- 208. Thornton Wilder: It's when you're safe at home that you wish you were having an adventure. When y ...

- 209. Richard Chevenix Trench: Language is the amber in which a thousand precious and subtle thoughts have been ...

- 210. Ovid: Let love give way to business; give attention to business and you will be safe.

- 211. Abraham Lincoln: Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work di ...

- 212. Abraham Lincoln: Let the people know the truth and the country is safe.

- 213. Harry Emerson Fosdick: Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have.

- 214. Thomas Wolfe: Making the world safe for hypocrisy.

- 215. George Bernard Shaw: Man gives every reason for his conduct save one, every excuse for his crimes sav ...

- 216. William Blake: Man was made for joy and woe; And when this we rightly know, Through the world w ...

- 217. John Kenneth Galbraith: Man, at least when educated, is a pessimist. He believes it safer not to reflect ...

- 218. Angela Y. Davis: Media mystifications should not obfuscate a simple, perceivable fact; Black teen ...

- 219. Thomas Szasz: Men are afraid to rock the boat in which they hope to drift safely through life' ...

- 220. Mark Twain: Monarchies, aristocracies, and religions are all based upon that large defect in ...

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