Famous Quotes
52 Quotations with Restraint.
- 41. Mohandas Gandhi: Restraint never ruins one's health. What ruins it,is not restraint but outward s ...
- 42. Cedric Hardwicke: Actors must practice restraint, else think what might happen in a love scene.
- 43. Hesiod: I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolou ...
- 44. Thomas Hutchinson: I never think of the measures necessary for the peace and good order of the colo ...
- 45. John F. Kennedy: I look forward to a future in which our country will match its military strength ...
- 46. John F. Kennedy: I look forward to a great future for America - a future in which our country wil ...
- 47. Christopher Love: A man may for a time lay a curb and restraint upon his lusts, so that they do no ...
- 48. Osbert Lancaster: The boredom occasioned by too much restraint is always preferable to that produc ...
- 49. Bill Maher: Things aren't right. If a burglar breaks into your home and you shoot him, he ca ...
- 50. Mary Wortley Montagu: Nobody can deny but religion is a comfort to the distressed, a cordial to the si ...
- 51. Plato: grant that I may become beautiful in my soul within, and that all my external po ...
- 52. M. Scott Peck: If a child sees his parents day in and day out behaving with self-discipline, re ...