112 Quotations with Required.
- 41. Stephen B. Leacock: It takes a good deal of physical courage to ride a horse. This, however, I have. ...
- 42. Blum Ralph: Know thyself. Nothing in excess. The Self is required to balance the Self.
- 43. Lewis Mumford: Life is the only art that we are required to practice without preparation, and w ...
- 44. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Man is a shrewd inventor, and is ever taking the hint of a new machine from his ...
- 45. The Holy Bible: Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
- 46. Althea Gibson: Most of us who aspire to be tops in our fields don't really consider the amount ...
- 47. Mark Twain: Nations do not think, they only feel. They get their feelings at second hand thr ...
- 48. Og Mandino: Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defe ...
- 49. Charles Francis Adams: No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him ...
- 50. Arnold H. Glasgow: Nothing splendid was ever created in cold blood. Heat is required to forge anyth ...
- 51. Elbert Hubbard: One can play comedy, two are required for melodrama, but a tragedy demands three ...
- 52. Miguel de Cervantes: One who has not only the four S's, which are required in every good lover, but e ...
- 53. Robert L. Payton: Philanthropy is the duty of how we should behave when things go wrong for people ...
- 54. E.M. Bounds: Prayer is a trade to be learned. We must be apprentices and serve our time at it ...
- 55. Jerome K. Jerome: Some people are under the impression that all that is required to make a good fi ...
- 56. Denis Waitley: Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy ...
- 57. Henry David Thoreau: Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one ...
- 58. Henry David Thoreau: The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life, which is required to ...
- 59. Henry David Thoreau: The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life, which is required to ...
- 60. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The first and last thing required of genius is, love of the truth.
Required Quotes by Power Quotations