53 Quotations with Reporter.
- 21. Tucker Carlson: Voters are weird. There are no obvious patterns in this race. So if you're a rep ...

- 22. Art Cooper: My only regrets in my career are that I never spent any time overseas as a repor ...

- 23. Walter Cronkite: I am dumbfounded that there hasn't been a crackdown with the libel and slander l ...

- 24. Mario Cuomo: If you can manipulate news, a judge can manipulate the law. A smart lawyer can k ...

- 25. Timothy Crouse: A lightweight, by definition, is a man who cannot assert his authority over the ...

- 26. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Well, when you come down to it, I don't see that a reporter could do much to a p ...

- 27. Linda Ellerbee: Some of my colleagues want to be The Anchorman on the Mount. Others see themselv ...

- 28. Trevor Fishlock: She ate a television journalist for breakfast and, feeling peckish, bit off some ...

- 29. Macklin Fleming: Procrastination is a sin of lawyers, trial judges, reporters, appellate judges, ...

- 30. Al Gore: The Bush administration works closely with a network of rapid response digital b ...

- 31. Paul Gray: The image of the reporter as a nicotine-stained Quixote, slugging back Scotch wh ...

- 32. Alma Guillermoprieto: I'm an efficient, good, professional reporter. But I also write. And so what I t ...

- 33. Alma Guillermoprieto: Well, one of the things I discovered in the course of looking back and writing a ...

- 34. Amy Goodman: War coverage should be more than a parade of retired generals and retired govern ...

- 35. Garrett M. Graff: I think, though, that people will read into a reporter's story a bias that they ...

- 36. Bob Greene: The professionalism of wire service reporters is constantly being tested because ...

- 37. David Halberstam: If you're a reporter, the easiest thing in the world is to get a story. The hard ...

- 38. Jackie Kennedy: Being a reporter seems a ticket out to the world.

- 39. Michael Lewis: The Red Sox are a curious thing because so much here is media driven. You can't ...

- 40. Joseph Lelyveld: If I have lived by any maxim as a reporter, it was that every person is an exper ...

Reporter Quotes by Power Quotations