24 Quotations with Repel.
- 1. Justice Louis D. Brandeis: Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the G ...

- 2. Benjamin Franklin: Five thousand balloons, capable of raising two men each, could not cost more tha ...

- 3. Henry W. Fowler: Quotation ... A writer expresses himself in words that have been used before bec ...

- 4. Anonymous: By courage I repel adversity.

- 5. Nancy Astor: My vigor, vitality, and cheek repel me. I am the kind of woman I would run from.

- 6. Ralph Waldo Emerson: All violence, all that is dreary and repels, is not power, but the absence of po ...

- 7. William Blake: All futurity seems teeming with endless destruction never to be repelled; desper ...

- 8. Louis D. Brandeis: Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the G ...

- 9. W. H. Auden: God is Love, we are taught as children to believe. But when we first begin to ge ...

- 10. Emma Thompson: I place a high moral value on the way people behave. I find it repellent to have ...

- 11. Camille Paglia: If you live in rock and roll, as I do, you see the reality of sex, of male lust ...

- 12. Cynthia Ozick: It is true that money attracts, but much money repels.

- 13. Victor Hugo: Nothing can be more depressing than to expose, naked to the light of thought, th ...

- 14. Sebastien-Roch Nicolas De Chamfort: Sometimes apparent resemblance of character will bring two men together and for ...

- 15. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The most winning woman I ever knew was hanged for poisoning three little childre ...

- 16. St. John Chrysostom: The potency of prayer hath subdued the strength of fire; it hath bridled the rag ...

- 17. Italo Calvino: The satirist is prevented by repulsion from gaining a better knowledge of the wo ...

- 18. Raymond Chandler: There is something about the literary life that repels me, all this desperate bu ...

- 19. Ludwig Wittgenstein: We regard the photograph, the picture on our wall, as the object itself (the man ...

- 20. Nicolas de Chamfort: Sometimes apparent resemblance of character will bring two men together and for ...

Repel Quotes by Power Quotations