609 Quotations with Reality.
- 481. Linda Ellerbee: I have always felt that laughter in the face of reality is probably the finest s ...
- 482. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Reality is a sliding door.
- 483. Desiderius Erasmus: There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face rea ...
- 484. Jane Fonda: I don't know if a country where the people are so ignorant of reality and of his ...
- 485. Sigmund Freud: Illusions commend themselves to us because they save us pain and allow us to enj ...
- 486. Soleil Moon Frye: Everything is strange in our world now, and that's definitely true in large part ...
- 487. Mohandas Gandhi: Hatred ever kills, love never dies such is the vast difference between the two. ...
- 488. Andy Gibb: I grew up in a show business family, so we've always had a great sense of balanc ...
- 489. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The biggest problem with every art is by the use of appearance to create a lofti ...
- 490. Ernst Haas: With photography a new language has been created. Now for the first time it is p ...
- 491. B. H. Liddell Hart: In reality, it si more fruitful to wound than to kill. While the dead man lies s ...
- 492. Anita Hill: I am really proud to be a part in whatever way of women becoming active in the p ...
- 493. Albert Hofmann: I finally decided to synthetize another sample of LSD. At the end of the synthes ...
- 494. Brad Holland: In Modernism, reality used to validate media. In Postmodernism, the media valida ...
- 495. Brad Holland: Postmodernists believe that truth is myth, and myth, truth. This equation has it ...
- 496. King Hussein I: Without peace and without the overwhelming majority of people that believe in pe ...
- 497. Edwin Hatch: The history of the organization of Christianity has been in reality the history ...
- 498. John E. Hines: In the spectrum of God's mysteries, preaching is a sacrament: Because of its sac ...
- 499. Irving Howe: Imagination is not something apart and hermetic, not a way of leaving reality be ...
- 500. Dean Inge: It takes in reality only one to make a quarrel. It is useless for the sheep to p ...
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