1374 Quotations with Rank.
- 261. Franklin D. Roosevelt: Those who have long enjoyed such privleges as we enjoy forget in time that men h ...
- 262. Frank Zappa: My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: ...
- 263. Benjamin Franklin: All cats are gray in the dark.
- 264. Benjamin Franklin: We'll either hang together or we'll hang separately.
- 265. Frank Herbert: There is no escape - we pay for the violence of our ancestors.
- 266. Alexander Hamilton: The changes in the human condition are uncertain and frequent. Many, on whom for ...
- 267. Benjamin Franklin: When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the e ...
- 268. Frank Herbert: Truth is subject to too much analysis.
- 269. Frank Herbert: Blood is thicker than water, but politics are thicker than blood.
- 270. Frank Herbert: Absolute power is the power to destroy.
- 271. Frank Herbert: Beaurocracy destroys initiative.
- 272. Frank Herbert: It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present and a was ...
- 273. Frank Herbert: Seek freedom and become captive of your desires, seek discipline and find your l ...
- 274. Frank Herbert: Humans live best when each has a place to stand, when each knows where he belong ...
- 275. Frank Herbert: Peace for any prolonged period of time is impossible. Humans have a natural thir ...
- 276. Frank Herbert: All governments eventually lean further and further towards aristocracy.
- 277. Frank Herbert: Empires do not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation. It is ...
- 278. Anne Frank: Where there's hope, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us st ...
- 279. Franklin Roosevelt: Those who enjoy such freedoms as we enjoy, forget in time that men died to earn ...
- 280. Hugh Elliott: Listen. Do not have an opinion while you listen because frankly, your opinion do ...
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