558 Quotations with Quality.
- 61. Rene Descartes: Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed: for every ...

- 62. Charles Lindberg: A certain amount of danger is essential to the quality of life.

- 63. Henry Ford: There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of go ...

- 64. Willa Foster: Quality is never an accident. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives ...

- 65. Milton Friedman: A society that puts equality... ahead of freedom will end up with neither.

- 66. Steve Jobs: Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excel ...

- 67. Raymond Loewy: Between two products equal in price, function and quality, the better looking wi ...

- 68. Ray Kroc: The quality of an individual is reflected in the standards they set for themselv ...

- 69. James M. Barrie: His lordship may compel us to be equal upstairs, but there will never be equalit ...

- 70. Rosa Parks: I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality ...

- 71. Ken Rockwell: Your equipment DOES NOT affect the quality of your image. The less time and effo ...

- 72. Malcolm Gladwell: If we are to learn to improve the quality of the decisions we make, we need to a ...

- 73. Anatole France: The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich, as well as the poor, to sle ...

- 74. Irving Kristol: Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions -- it only guarantees equali ...

- 75. George Washington: Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, f ...

- 76. E. B. White: Half a man's life is devoted to what he calls improvements, yet the original had ...

- 77. Charles Conrad: Making an issue of little things is one of the surest ways to spoil happiness. O ...

- 78. Dwight Eisenhower: If all that Americans want is security they can go to prison. They'll have enoug ...

- 79. Elie Wiesel: Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds

- 80. Erma Bombeck: We've got a generation now who were born with semiequality. They don't know how ...

Quality Quotes by Power Quotations