667 Quotations with Purpose.
- 161. James Allen: Above all be of single aim; have a legitimate and useful purpose, and devote you ...

- 162. Elwyn Brooks White: Advertisers are the interpreters of our dreams -- Joseph interpreting for Pharao ...

- 163. John W. Gardner: All excellence involves discipline and tenacity of purpose.

- 164. Graham Swift: All nature's creatures join to express nature's purpose. Somewhere in their moun ...

- 165. Brian Tracy: All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ...

- 166. Brian O'Connell: Along the way of our service to others and community, we learn that a very large ...

- 167. B.C. Forbes: Ambition means longing and striving to attain some purpose. Therefore, there are ...

- 168. William Ellery Channing: An earnest purpose finds time, or makes it. It seizes on spare moments, and turn ...

- 169. Dennis Frakes: Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell ...

- 170. Lionel Trilling: Any historian of the literature of the modern age will take virtually for grante ...

- 171. Napoleon Hill: Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thoug ...

- 172. Aristotle: Anyone can become angry -- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, ...

- 173. Author Unknown: Anyone can live heroically and successfully for one day. The man who achieves a ...

- 174. George H. Bush: As Americans, our purpose is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler t ...

- 175. Adrienne Rich: As her sons have seen her: the mother in patriarchy: controlling, erotic, castra ...

- 176. Samuel Johnson: As peace is the end of war, so to be idle is the ultimate purpose of the busy.

- 177. Marshall McLuhan: As the unity of the modern world becomes increasingly a technological rather tha ...

- 178. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Austere perseverance, hash and continuous... rarely fails of its purpose, for it ...

- 179. Author Unknown: Battle doesn't need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose.

- 180. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Be above it! Make the world serve your purpose, but do not serve it.

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