136 Quotations with Project.
- 121. Nick Rhodes: We've taken on a very ambitious project, which is like a cyber-soap-rock-opera, ...

- 122. Busta Rhymes: I appreciate the additional additives and preservatives that help sell a project ...

- 123. don Miguel Ruiz: Don't Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others ...

- 124. Yoshio Taniguchi: When a project has an ample budget, I am interested now in using bigger units of ...

- 125. Jules Verne: Not a single spectator remained on his feet! Men, women children, all lay prostr ...

- 126. Robert Wagner: It's like a great big snowball behind you trying to get the stories and the scri ...

- 127. Colin Wilson: Dr. Miller says we are pessimistic because life seems like a very bad, very scre ...

- 128. William Jefferson Clinton: And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal free ...

- 129. Edward Young: For her own breakfast she 'll project a scheme,Nor take her tea without a strata ...

- 130. Greg Anderson: Think "impossible" and dreams get discarded, projects get abandoned, and hope fo ...

- 131. Stephen Covey: Until we take how we see ourselves into account, we will be unable to understand ...

- 132. Carol Lloyd: When you are feeling fear of some project or idea or dream, ask yourself, What a ...

- 133. Robert A. Johnson: Love is the power within us that affirms and values another human being as he or ...

- 134. Stephen V. Doughty: I grieve over how tired we can become in our common life. Trying too much, meeti ...

- 135. David Allen: You can do anything -- but not everything. The universe is full of creative proj ...

- 136. Mike Donahue: One of the easiest ways to change is simply to alter your position -- to focus o ...

Project Quotes by Power Quotations