Famous Quotes
998 Quotations with Present.
- 161. Paulo Cuelho: The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can ...
- 162. George Eliot: A prig is a fellow who is always making you a present of his opinions.
- 163. Doug Horton: Happiness in the present is only shattered by comparison with the past.
- 164. George Orwell: Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the ...
- 165. Unknown: Life is like a raffle -- you must be present to win.
- 166. Aeschylus: There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief
- 167. Alvin Toffler: In describing today's accelerating changes, the media fire blips of unrelated in ...
- 168. Babatunde A Fajimi: Each new day presents us with the opportunity to live as though we never live be ...
- 169. Bill Cosby: Fatherhood is pretending the present you love the most is soap-on-a-rope
- 170. Charles Dickens: I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. I will live ...
- 171. Charles Schulz: If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it wou ...
- 172. Francis W. Peabody: The most common criticism made at present by older practitioners is that young g ...
- 173. George Peabody: Education: a debt due from present to future generations
- 174. Goethe: Our work is the presentation of our capabilities
- 175. Goethe: The people who are absent are the ideal; those who are present seem to be quite ...
- 176. H.L. Mencken: All the extravagance and incompetence of our present Government is due, in the m ...
- 177. Kenneth Ludmerer: Time was present for learners and teachers alike
- 178. Law & Order: In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet e ...
- 179. Marguerite Duras: I believe that always, or almost always, in all childhoods and in all the lives ...
- 180. Mark Twain: There are some books that refuse to be written. They stand their ground year aft ...