998 Quotations with Present.
- 961. Lucius Anneaus Seneca: True happiness is to understand our duties toward God and man; to enjoy the pres ...

- 962. Albert Einstein: A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.

- 963. Jon Kabat-Zinn: the fact that I practice meditation doesn't mean that I am always calm or kind o ...

- 964. William Penn: Always remember to bound they thoughts to the present occasion.

- 965. R.D. Laing: We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to se ...

- 966. Macrina Wiederkehr: When you can lovingly be present to yourself, your presence to others takes on a ...

- 967. Charles Caleb Cotton: Men spend their lives in anticipations, in determining to be vastly happy at som ...

- 968. Thomas Dreier: If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time--not tomorrow, nor next year, nor ...

- 969. W. Beran Wolfe: One important source of happiness is the habit of putting off living to some fic ...

- 970. Karl Jaspers: In order to grasp the reality, we must see the possibilities. In the present, a ...

- 971. Abraham Maslow: One can spend a lifetime assigning blame, find the cause 'out there' for all the ...

- 972. Martin Buber: Each person born into this world represents something new, something that never ...

- 973. Joan Borysenko: Anytime we are fully present in the moment we are meditating.

- 974. Woodrow Wilson: If you come at me with your fists doubled, I think I can promise you that mine w ...

- 975. C.S. Lewis: It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder ...

- 976. Stephen Covey: Whenever your present situation, I assure you that you are not your habits. You ...

- 977. Gillian Butlerand Tony Hope: The potential for changing the future can lie only in the present.

- 978. M. Scott Peck: Genuine love is volitional rather than emotional. The person who truly loves doe ...

- 979. Albert Einstein: Morality is not a fixed and stark system... It is a task never finished, somethi ...

- 980. Oriah Mountain Dreamer: When we learn how to be truly present with our joy and our sorrow, with our long ...

Present Quotes by Power Quotations