998 Quotations with Present.
- 461. George Fernandez: One should learn from the past, but one should not live in the past. My concern ...

- 462. Walter Benjamin: Only he who can view his own past as an abortion sprung from compulsion and need ...

- 463. Storm Jameson: Only one person in a thousand knows the trick of really living in the present. M ...

- 464. Storm Jameson: Only one person in a thousand knows the trick of really living in the present. M ...

- 465. Kyle Chandler: Opportunity does not knock; it presents itself when you beat down the door.

- 466. Kyle Chandler: Opportunity does not knock; it presents itself when you beat down the door.

- 467. J. I. Packer: Our business is to present the Christian faith clothed in modern terms, not to p ...

- 468. J. I. Packer: Our business is to present the Christian faith clothed in modern terms, not to p ...

- 469. Ruth Benedict: Our faith in the present dies out long before our faith in the future.

- 470. Sir William Temple: Our present time is indeed a criticizing and critical time, hovering between the ...

- 471. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Our work is the presentation of our capabilities.

- 472. Frederick The Great: Our work is to present things that are as they are.

- 473. William Shakespeare: Past, and to come, seems best; things present, worst.

- 474. George Perera: Patience in the present, faith in the future, and joy in the doing

- 475. George Perera: Patience in the present, faith in the future, and joy in the doing

- 476. Saul Landau: Patrick Henry railed against taxation without representation. He should see it w ...

- 477. Saul Landau: Patrick Henry railed against taxation without representation. He should see it w ...

- 478. Dhyani Ywahoo: Patterns of the past echo in the present and resound through the future.

- 479. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: People have a peculiar pleasure in making converts, that is, in causing others t ...

- 480. Elizabeth Gaskell: People may flatter themselves just as much by thinking that their faults are alw ...

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