366 Quotations with Praise.
- 141. Thomas a Kempis: He has great tranquility of heart who cares neither for the praises nor the faul ...

- 142. Gabriel Harvey: He is not praised whose praiser deserveth not praise.

- 143. Marcus Annaeus Seneca: He who boasts of his descent, praises the deed of another.

- 144. Samuel Johnson: He who praises everybody, praises nobody.

- 145. Endless Praise: How are you ever going to stop being weary until you've made your mind up to be ...

- 146. Horace: How does it happen, Maecenas, that no one is content with that lot of which he h ...

- 147. Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton: How little praise warms out of a man the good that is in him, as the sneer of co ...

- 148. Samuel Johnson: Hunger is never delicate; they who are seldom gorged to the full with praise may ...

- 149. John Milton: I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, th ...

- 150. Dean Smith: I do believe in praising that which deserves to be praised.

- 151. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: I do not speak of what I cannot praise.

- 152. Jean Rostand: I don't judge a regime by the damning criticism of the opposition, but by the in ...

- 153. Thomas Jefferson: I find the pain of a little censure, even when it is unfounded, is more acute th ...

- 154. Samuel Johnson: I have protracted my work till most of those whom I wished to please have sunk i ...

- 155. Sir Richard Steele: I know of no manner of speaking so offensive as that of giving praise, and closi ...

- 156. Catherine II of Russia: I praise loudly, I blame softly.

- 157. William Shakespeare: I will praise any man that will praise me.

- 158. Og Mandino: I will smile at friend and foe alike and make every effort to find, in him or he ...

- 159. Joseph Conrad: I would not unduly praise the virtue of restraint. It is often merely temperamen ...

- 160. E.M. Cioran: If each of us were to confess his most secret desire, the one that inspires all ...

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