366 Quotations with Praise.
- 321. Marcus Tullius Cicero: We are motivated by a keen desire for praise, and the better a man is the more h ...

- 322. Robert Collier: Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, ...

- 323. Alistair Cooke: Who is this rare bird, perched at the eerie dead center of the world's hurricane ...

- 324. White Eagle: Happiness is the realization of God in the heart. Happiness is the result of pra ...

- 325. T. S. Eliot: Our high respect for a well read person is praise enough for literature.

- 326. Gerald R. Ford: The pat on the back, the arm around the shoulder, the praise for what was done r ...

- 327. E. M. Forster: One always tends to overpraise a long book, because one has got through it.

- 328. E. M. Forster: We are willing enough to praise freedom when she is safely tucked away in the pa ...

- 329. Henry Fairlie: There is a middlebrow snobbery in America that praises everything on public tele ...

- 330. Patrick Gordon: God be praised for his gracious long suffering towards me in sparing my life so ...

- 331. Ausustus Hare: What a person praises is perhaps a surer standard, even, than what he condemns, ...

- 332. Peter King: George Bush, Dick Cheney, every one of the speakers praised John Kerry's war rec ...

- 333. Laurel Lee: It was my dream that I had clenched in a fist of discontent and wouldn't release ...

- 334. Daniel De Leon: A merry Christmas should be a Christmas that finds all men capable of producing ...

- 335. Robert Martin: Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more po ...

- 336. Golda Meir: There can be no doubt that the average man blames much more than he praises. His ...

- 337. Bill Paxton: You could say I have quite a nice-guy image as an actor and I wanted to do somet ...

- 338. Richard Perle: Few governments in the world, for example, praise human rights more ardently tha ...

- 339. Lisa Marie Presley: Scientology explains to me the answers to life, the mind, people, insanity, man, ...

- 340. J. B. Priestley: Many a man is praised for his reserve and so-called shyness when he is simply to ...

Praise Quotes by Power Quotations