348 Quotations with Powerful.
- 41. Martha Beck: Every instance of heartbreak can teach us powerful lessons about creating the ki ...

- 42. Stuart Stevens: Pride is a powerful narcotic, but it doesn't do much for the auto-immune system.

- 43. Po Bronson: There's a powerful transformative effect when you surround yourself with like-mi ...

- 44. Caterina Rando: Increase your personal power through positive and powerful communication. Recogn ...

- 45. Robyn Davidson: The two important things I did learn were that you are as powerful and strong as ...

- 46. Joseph Stalin: Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, ...

- 47. John Knowles: Everyone has a moment in history that belongs particularly to him. It is the mom ...

- 48. Linda R. Dominguez: Strength, courage and power do not exclude kindness, understanding and considera ...

- 49. Friedrich Nietzsche: But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punis ...

- 50. Chateaubriand: What importance can we attach to the things of this world? Friendship? It disapp ...

- 51. Jacques Derrida: But psychoanalysis has taught that the dead—a dead parent, for example—can be mo ...

- 52. Michael Bakunin: A divine falsehood is more powerful than any human truth.

- 53. The Talmud: Customs are more powerful than laws.

- 54. Dick Francis: Physics is the science of all the tremendously powerful invisibilities - of magn ...

- 55. The Grand Duchess Olga of Russia: Remember that the evil which is now in the world will only get more powerful, an ...

- 56. Egyptian Book of the Dead: My utterance is mighty, I am more powerful than the ghosts; may they have no pow ...

- 57. Margaret Thatcher: Being powerful is a lot like being a woman: If you have to tell someone that you ...

- 58. Madeleine K. Albright: I have been called the most powerful woman in the world, but I have on occasion ...

- 59. Wilfred Funk: The more words you know, the more clearly and powerfully you will think and the ...

- 60. Kofi Annan: In today's world, no State, however powerful, can protect itself on its own. Lik ...

Powerful Quotes by Power Quotations