615 Quotations with Possess.
- 541. Cyril Falls: The national leader requires a foundation of good qualities; if he possesses the ...

- 542. Bruce Jay Friedman: Never be possessive. If a female friend lets on that she is going out with anoth ...

- 543. Mohandas Gandhi: Non-violence and cowardice go ill together. I can imagine a fully armed man to b ...

- 544. Mohandas Gandhi: Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. ...

- 545. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: If any many wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his though ...

- 546. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: If any wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his thoughts; a ...

- 547. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Life has been compared to a race, but the allusion improves by observing, that t ...

- 548. Bob Graham: We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Husse ...

- 549. Bede Griffiths: A sannyasi is one who does not possess anything, not even the clothes on his bac ...

- 550. Werner Heisenberg: Both matter and radiation possess a remarkable duality of character, as they som ...

- 551. Herbert Hoover: Once upon a time my political opponents honored me as possessing the fabulous in ...

- 552. Hammurabi: If a chieftain or a man leave his house, garden, and field and hires it out, and ...

- 553. Garrison Keillor: Librarians, Dusty, possess a vast store of politeness. These are people who get ...

- 554. Yves Klein: For me, each nuance of a color is in some way an individual, a being who is not ...

- 555. Stefan Kanfer: Sorrows cannot all be explained away in a life truly lived, grief and loss accum ...

- 556. J. Martin Kohe: You possess a potent force that you either use, or misuse, hundreds of times eve ...

- 557. Junichiro Koizumi: To me, the appeal of opera lies in the fact that a myriad of singers and instrum ...

- 558. Fran Lebowitz: Very few people possess true artistic ability. It is therefore both unseemly and ...

- 559. Anne Morrow Lindbergh: The only real security is not in owning or possessing, not in demanding or expec ...

- 560. Clare Boothe Luce: They are vulgar and dirty-minded and alien to grace, and I would not, if I could ...

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