572 Quotations with Position.
- 381. Vaclav Havel: You do not become a "dissident" just because you decide one day to take up this ...

- 382. Jean Kerr: You don't seem to realize that a poor person who is unhappy is in a better posit ...

- 383. Joe Falcon: You must sacrifice, train, do everything possible to put yourself in a position ...

- 384. Peace Pilgrim: You're in a much better position to talk with people when they approach you than ...

- 385. Darrell Royal: You've got to be in a position for luck to happen. Luck doesn't go around lookin ...

- 386. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme po ...

- 387. Sun-tzu: Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is someth ...

- 388. Jane Addams: The common stock of intellectual enjoyment should not be difficult of access bec ...

- 389. Henri Amiel: There is an illusion of central position, justifying onešs own purposes as right ...

- 390. Sarah Patton Boyle: Our minorities alone are in a position to know what the fathers of our democracy ...

- 391. Rosemary Brown: To be black and female, in a society which is both racist and sexist, is to be i ...

- 392. Hariet Marineau: All women should inform themselves of the condition of their sex and of their ow ...

- 393. Jeanette Winterson: Any measurement must take into account the position of the observer. There is no ...

- 394. Leo Tolstoy: The law of violence is not a law, but a simple fact which can only be a law when ...

- 395. Gerard Vanderhaar: Respectful dialogue, in the interest of searching for more complete truth, is co ...

- 396. John Acton: Far from being the product of a democratic revolution and of an opposition to En ...

- 397. Saint Thomas Aquinas: Temperance is simply a disposition of the mind which binds the passion.

- 398. Hannah Arendt: To be free in an age like ours, one must be in a position of authority. That in ...

- 399. Thomas Addison: Were I to affirm that Laennec contributed more towards the advancement of the me ...

- 400. Carl Andre: Matter as matter rather than matter as symbol is a conscious political position, ...

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