615 Quotations with Plain.
- 281. Walford Brodie: I've got a living to make, to put it plainly; there's more money in shocking and ...

- 282. Benny Hill: Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect.

- 283. Denis Diderot: Justice is the first virtue of those who command, and stops the complaints of th ...

- 284. Mark Twain: Let us consider that we are all partially insane. It will explain us to each oth ...

- 285. Anna Ford: Let's face it, there are no plain women on television.

- 286. William G. Dyer: Listen. Don't explain or justify.

- 287. Thomas B. Macaulay: Logicians may reason about abstractions. But the great mass of men must have ima ...

- 288. Sir William Temple: Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.

- 289. Joseph De Maistre: Man is insatiable for power; he is infantile in his desires and, always disconte ...

- 290. Antoine Rivarol: Man spends his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, in ...

- 291. Lao-tzu: Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires.

- 292. Jim Rohn: Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don ...

- 293. Jim Rohn: Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don ...

- 294. Leonardo da Vinci: Men wrongly complain of Experience. With great abuse, they accuse her of leading ...

- 295. John Ruskin: Modern education has devoted itself to the teaching of impudence, and then we co ...

- 296. Dustin Hoffman: Money is another pressure. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that :here's a c ...

- 297. Roy L. Smith: More people are troubled by what is plain in Scripture than by what is obscure.

- 298. Lewis Thomas: Music is the effort we make to explain to ourselves how our brains work. We list ...

- 299. Og Mandino: My days of whining and complaining about others have come to an end. Nothing is ...

- 300. Robert R. Updegraff: Never complain about your troubles; they are responsible for more than half of y ...

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