863 Quotations with Paul.
- 841. Paul Wiener: But few have spoken of the actual pleasure derived from giving to someone, from ...

- 842. Paul Williamson: Avoid revolution or expect to get shot. Mother and I will grieve, but we will gl ...

- 843. Paul Wolfowitz: I think one has to say it's not just simply a matter of capturing people and hol ...

- 844. Paul Wolfowitz: We don't start a job that we can't finish... that's the American way.

- 845. James Atlas: I'm so obsessed with this theme that I actually keep a “failure file.” What stan ...

- 846. Paul Leopold Haffner: Enlightenment is a sublime word, if one goes back to its meaning; itmeans illumi ...

- 847. Paul Tillich: He who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never risks and never fails is a ...

- 848. Paul Flemming: Happiness is the cheapest thing in the world... when we buy it for someone else.

- 849. Paul Wieand: Authenticity is contagious.

- 850. W. Paul Jones: To live life requires intense self-deception or deep courage.

- 851. W. Paul Jones: Sadness is primal. How we respond -- that is what makes the difference.

- 852. W. Paul Jones: It is becoming increasingly clear to me that the search for courage and the pilg ...

- 853. W. Paul Jones: While the hero is acclaimed by others, courage entails a steadfast 'in spite of' ...

- 854. W. Paul Jones: Courage involves the determination to do and to be for its own sake, irrespectiv ...

- 855. John-Paul Sartre: You are your choices.

- 856. Paul Tillich: We are wont to condemn self-love; but what we really mean to condemn is contrary ...

- 857. Paul Tillich: Cruelty towards others is always also cruelty towards ourselves.

- 858. Paul "Bear" Bryant: If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, then we did it. If a ...

- 859. Paul Tillich: We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness, and the deeper our experienc ...

- 860. Paula Rinehart: Life, even in the hardest times, is full of moments to savor. They will not come ...

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