863 Quotations with Paul.
- 581. Paul Bremer: If you look back today over the last 25 years, it is a fact that we have had a p ...

- 582. Paul Bremer: The fact of the matter is that we are facing a small group of bitter-enders who ...

- 583. Paul Bremer: We saw this coming, in a general sense; certainly not the actual way it was done ...

- 584. Paul Bremer: When the new wave of terrorism came on the modern world, which is the late 1960s ...

- 585. Pope Benedict XVI: Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have ...

- 586. Paul Brunton: Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The ma ...

- 587. Paul Bryant: I ain't nothing but a winner.

- 588. Paul Bryant: If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'l ...

- 589. Paul Bryant: In a crisis, don't hide behind anything or anybody. They're going to find you an ...

- 590. Paul Bryant: You never know how a horse will pull until you hook him to a heavy load.

- 591. Tucker Carlson: The political world is still reeling tonight from yesterday's nauseating display ...

- 592. Emile M. Cioran: I feel safer with a Pyrrho than with a St. Paul.

- 593. Eric Carr: I wished that I could have been down there because Paul actually wanted me to do ...

- 594. Eric Carr: In all honesty, I realized - along with Gene and Paul - that there obviously are ...

- 595. Paul Cezanne: When I judge art, I take my painting and put it next to a God made object like a ...

- 596. Paul Coffey: Nobody's a natural. You work hard to get good and then work to get better. It's ...

- 597. Paula Cole: For me music is a vehicle to bring our pain to the surface, getting it back to t ...

- 598. Paul Conrad: I've never seen bad drawing destroy a good idea. On the other hand, I've never s ...

- 599. Paul Conrad: If I can finish a cartoon in 20 minutes, then that's the ideal editorial cartoon ...

- 600. Paul Conrad: It is a peculiar art form, but I think it's a necessary art form - and I do beli ...

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